Miner Mole Is Coming!
We’ve honed the gameplay, obsessed over the graphics, argued over the artwork, and worked out all the bugs. And then we submitted Miner Mole to Apple for approval. And guess what? IT’S APPROVED! Miner Mole is coming!
We’ve honed the gameplay, obsessed over the graphics, argued over the artwork, and worked out all the bugs. And then we submitted Miner Mole to Apple for approval. And guess what? IT’S APPROVED! Miner Mole is coming!
Introducing… Miner Mole! In action even! Miner Mole is still being tweaked, of course, since that’s what being in beta means, but it’s getting closer and closer to release. Game play is working, which is always good. Graphics are closer to done. Progress, progress. 😀
Check out the first draft of our game icon. You could be playing with that cute guy very soon! But no hints on the game play. Yet. You’ll have to wait a few days for that… 😀
ShuffleFrenzy is a simple game – follow the shuffling cups to identify which one has the ball. The shuffle speed and the number of shuffles increases if you keep guessing correctly. How many shuffles in a row can you follow?